tools - tools:
1. fiddler 2
2 swf.
1.Download fiddler 2
2.instal fiddler 2
3. download swf
4. drag has been downloaded swf
5. enter your NS
One Hit Kill Bozz Soul General Mutoh ( NEW )
Bagus Dwi Cahyo | 02.48 | | 0 komentar
Cheat Anti Stun ( PVP )
Bagus Dwi Cahyo | 08.22 | | 0 komentar
Cheat Ninja Saga ATM EXP Terbaru 6 Maret 2011
Bagus Dwi Cahyo | 08.20 | | 0 komentar
tools - tools:
1. fiddler 2
2 swf.
1.Download fiddler 2
2.instal fiddler 2
3. download swf
4. drag has been downloaded swf
5. enter your NS
Ninja Saga Infinite HP and CP Cheats
Bagus Dwi Cahyo | 07.20 | | 0 komentar
- Firefox
- Cheat Engine 6.0
- Go Ninja Saga -Only works in Firefox ( DO NOT SELECT YOUR CHARACTER FIRST)
- Go to Cheat Engine 6.0 and select process Plugin Container.exe
- Scan Type: Search this array, Value Type: Array of Bytes, check the HEX.
- Scan “28 00 00 00 0C 03 00 00 26 02 00 00 03 00 00 00″.
- Double-click the address.
- Change the value to “FF 22 0C 00 00 03 00 00 26 02 00 00 03 00 00 00″.
- Check the “frozen” on the left address or just tick it.
- Now new scan again and scan “28 00 00 00 88 13 00 00 28 00 00 00 03 00 00 00″.
- Change the value to “FF 22 00 00 88 13 00 00 28 00 00 00 03 00 00 00″.
- Check the “frozen” on the left address or just tick it. (You should have two address by now and both frozen)
- Now select your character and press play.
- Go to Missions , World Boss and enjoy!
Info Anbu Comong Soon
Bagus Dwi Cahyo | 07.13 | | 0 komentar
Tensai Anbu Black Ops Exam :
Release Date : Late January & Beginning of February
Level Required : 60
Number Of Exam : 5
End Date : 1 month after
Prize : Unknown
Upcoming Updates:
-Level 50 & 60 Token Moves
-Level 60 Boss
-New Weapon
-New Clothing
-New Tai-Jutsu
-New "A" Rank Mission
-New Clan System
-New PVP System
-New Lvl Scrools
-New Secret Talent
-New Max Talent Lvll
-Maxed lvl 80
cheat ninja saga all in one
Bagus Dwi Cahyo | 07.03 | | 0 komentar
tools - tools:
1. fiddler 2
2 swf.
1.Download fiddler 2
2.instal fiddler 2
3. download swf
4. drag has been downloaded swf
5. enter your NS
Hack XP Pet
Bagus Dwi Cahyo | 06.58 | | 0 komentar
1. Download the zip file above,
2. and go to the Ninja Saga> Play
3. Open Fiddler, the autoresponder tab, tick Enable auto ... and Permit Pass ...
4. Drag the swf in the zip file to the Fiddler.
5. Then delete the cache of Firefox.
6. Reload> Play> Play PETnya mission
NB: Special-Lv 60
-Your Pet will get 500000xp
-Thank 's Cielo inferno
-How to Clear the cache:
* For Mozilla Firefox: Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Choose Network Tab -> Clear Now -> Click OK
* For Google Chrome: Select the icon in the upper right corner (next to the stars) -> Options -> Under the Hood -> Clear Browsing Data -> Empty the cache -> Clear Browsing Data
Bagus Dwi Cahyo | 06.53 | | 0 komentar
1.Buka NS
3.Klick Komputer kelap-kelip di kiri atas
4.cari Plug in container (jika mozila)
5.Masuk kan Token km di cheat engine
7.Ke headquaters
8.Convert 1 token km
9.NEXT SCAN token km sekarag
10.Tambah kan adrres nya +4 CONTOH :xxxxxxx+4
11.Lalu ubah Value nya 2
13.Isi dengan addres token mu, lalu tambah kan +10 CONTOH :xxxxxxx+10
14.Ubah menjadi 1
15.Beli deh tuh pet
NB :-Jangan Gontak Gantik Pet nanti Ke tauan GM Gak bisa di pake lagi loh..
-Only Yamaru gak bisa yg laen klo yg lain bisa di beli gk bisa di pake
embelem permanent
Bagus Dwi Cahyo | 06.51 | | 0 komentar
* Cheat Engine
* Plugin container exe, / opera
ways: the way
1. lv you should be 40 + +
2. msuk NS
3. Go to the headquarters emblems click apply now
4. Outgoing her new tab Biarin ja ithu tab
5. Open the cheat engine hex settings, Array, Asrom ..
6. Scan "D6 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 F6"
7. it cut no address, refresh the page
8. after reffresh replace click Speedhack 0 speed
9. click char yg d select
10. upgrade charx
11. scan name char km, let Speedhack 0 speed
12. click smua adrres let the CE tab
13. let nm char km d table CE
14. 500.0 fox speed speed
15. nthuh delete char stelah already hpus Speedhack a normal speed
16. after delete, refresh the page
17. click create, create appropriate km nm char-me-d delete
18. play as usual until the tutorial is complete page refresh lg NS
19. after all is finished, click the visit friend who d BWH NS
20. msuk profile friend km, scan lv char friend km
21. Outgoing addresses many of his friends, who click valuex ga berubah2 and black and addresses it to the table truh CE
22. Type change addresses td gnti Text, after it was ok and replace char value nm km friend
23. after ithu refresh the page + refresh the server time for ngesave, and close CE
24. NS km jgn play for 1 day, after waiting for fitting time-out char 1hri play spin
25. time clock will nyepin char m User Emblem + lv 60 full XP tp TP and Talent Blum lv 10 smua \
NB: as good as he started the char tumbal dlu ...
at own risk, I've tried it and succeeded, and are not banned
Baju naruto & ginkotsu hacibi(not permanent)|ninja saga
Bagus Dwi Cahyo | 16.44 | | 0 komentar
Trik Mendapatkan Back Item Tanpa Beli
Bagus Dwi Cahyo | 05.23 | | 2 komentar
Alat-alat :
1. Buka Aplikasi Ninja Saga
2. Play Ninja Saga
3. Buka " Gear " dan Unequip back item anda ( Jika tidak pnya back item gak usa ikuti langkah ini )
4. Pergi Ke " Shop "
5. Klik Tab Penjualan " Back Item "
6. Pilih salah satu Back Item
7. Klik 2x / lebih pada gambar back item
8. Masuk Arena / Kage Room / Hunting House
9. Lawan musuh tersebut
10. Lihatlah Back Item Anda
Peringatan : Harus keluarkan jurus dulu baru bisa keliatan back item nya
Cheat Critical
Bagus Dwi Cahyo | 05.14 | | 0 komentar
1. CE
2. Mozilla
1. Play NS
2. Open CE select Process "plugin-container.exe"
3. Change a Double Byte 4
4. SCAN 0.0080000
5. Click all move down until
6. Change it to 1 VALUE
Effect: Critical Strike you will be changed to 4000 (sometimes more sometimes less)
cheat Token And Npc150
Bagus Dwi Cahyo | 05.02 | | 0 komentar
Cheat Instan mision new
Bagus Dwi Cahyo | 04.59 | | 0 komentar
Cheat CP dan HP
Bagus Dwi Cahyo | 07.31 | | 0 komentar
CE Cheat Engine
1. Go Ninja Saga (do not diplay first).
2. Go to cheat engine and select process of browser you use.
3. Scan Type: Search this array, Value Type: Array of Bytes, check the HEX.
4. Scan "28 00 00 00 0C 03 00 00 26 02 00 00 03 00 00 00".
5. Double-click Valuenya.
6. Change the value to "FF 22 0C 00 00 03 00 00 26 02 00 00 03 00 00 00".
7. check the "frozen" on the left address.
8. select your char then "PLAY".
9. Go to the missions / house hunting ... and see the results ...
CP Tutorial
God CP
1. Go Ninja Saga (do not diplay first).
2. Go to cheat engine and select process of browser you use.
3. Scan Type: Search this array, Value Type: Array of Bytes, check the HEX.
4. Scan "28 00 00 00 88 13 00 00 28 00 00 00 03 00 00 00".
5. Double-click Valuenya.
6. Change the value to "FF 22 00 00 88 13 00 00 28 00 00 00 03 00 00 00".
7. check the "frozen" on the left address.
8. select your char then "PLAY".
9. Go to the missions / house hunting ... and see the results ...
Cheat Ninja Saga Upgrade Stamina Clan
Bagus Dwi Cahyo | 07.23 | | 0 komentar
1. Log up
2. Go Ninja Saga
3. Go Clan
4. Then Activate Charles
5. After Charles On Click Clan Battle
6. Then Back To Charles, Search
7. At Breakpoint
8. After That search Clan Yang Mo Opponent
9. New Tab Will Appear
10. Find Writing Character Stamina (Or Apalah)
11. Change the Value Or So Whatever amount you
Tips Mengembalikan Char Ninja Saga yang Disable / Banned
Bagus Dwi Cahyo | 07.17 | | 0 komentar
1. Make sure you email first active
2. Then log into facebook
3. Go Ninja Saga of you who charnya disabled
4. Click facebook User or [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
5. Then click on the logo up
6. I'll select a question select ACCOUNT / CHARACTER Issues
7. Choose which my account is suspended
8. Then clay dibawak and select NO
9. Enter Your Email in a column existing Email User
Content you Copas 10.Pada part in bold text below "to Ninja saga, My account is suspended Because of previous payment problems. if I Want To Release the disabled how much Should I pay it, and Nowhere to pay it? thanks "Then click Submit
11.Nanti you will get auto reply email account after click SUBMIT on your Facebook
12.Setelah it live check your email as often as possible .. there will be a reply from the NS
13.Untuk then usually there will be the amount of any fees you paid to the ninja saga the price depends on the Ninja saga
Cheat Ninja Saga Live PVP Winners 30 Januari 2011
Bagus Dwi Cahyo | 07.13 | | 0 komentar
1. Go to Ninja Saga (stop at the character select screen).
2. Open the cheat Engin and hook to process the "plugin-container.exe".
3. Scan Type: Search for this array, Value Type: Array of Bytes, Check HEX.
4. Scan "28 00 00 00 0C 03 00 00 26 02 00 00 03 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 64 00 00 00 28 00".
5. Double Click on the address that appears.
6. Replace with "FF FF 00 00 0C 03 00 00 26 02 00 00 03 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 64 00 00 00 FF FF".
7. Check (tick) the "frozen" box to the left of the address.
8. Choose a character and then click "PLAY".
9. Go to the Arena (startPVP) and a few enemies OWN.
Cheat Dodge
Bagus Dwi Cahyo | 07.09 | | 0 komentar
1. Cheat Engine 5.6
2. Browser
1. Log into your ninja saga and go to profile
2. Open Cheat Engine and choose plugin.container.exe if you are using mozilla fire fox diprocess list
3. Click Hex, Array of Bytes, Also scan read only to
4. Scan "a93f9a9999999999a93f"
5. I'll get an address, click 2x will enter into the list
6. Duplicate items (copy - paste)
7. Right-click on the first item
- Set a hot key.
Set hotkey to F5
Then click ok then right click in the Address 1
Change the value input record
8. On the second item right click
- Set a hot key.
Set hotkey with F6
Then click ok then right click in the Address 2
Change the value input record
9. Now playing ninja saga, do not forget to press F5 (dodge mode).
Now each will dodge the attack.
10. When will attack the press F6 (critical mode)
11. Do not forget to switch the mode dodge when being attacked,
and the critical mode when going to attack, because musuhpun be Critical or dodge